Princess Ship Chatter > Royal Princess Chatter

Celebrating Love at Sea on the Royal Princess


Host Mike:
"Their vow renewal, officiated by Royal Princess' Captain Steve Holland, was not just a reaffirmation of their commitment but also a celebration of life's triumphs over challenges. The ceremony, complemented by confetti and tears of joy, underscored the couple's journey and the new chapter they were beginning, marked by health and continued love."

"Legal ceremonies are performed by the ship's captain in international waters, with prices ranging from $4800 to $10,600, making dream weddings accessible to couples seeking to celebrate their love amidst the vast beauty of the sea."

Wow, just wow.

That seems a little...  premium.

Every day I'm reading something new that makes me think that cruising is returning to a rich mans way of traveling.
Pretty soon we'll be left behind & limited to only going to the local beach for a vacation.


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