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Messages - Host Mike

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"Giglio, Italy (CNN) -- A boat's horn bellowed 32 times off the coast of Italy on Sunday, honoring each of the victims who died a year ago when a luxury cruise liner ran aground.

Family members of those who perished tossed wreaths, lilies and notes into icy waters at a ceremony marking the anniversary of the Costa Concordia crash. And a large boulder bearing a plaque with victims' names was lowered into the same sea that claimed their lives.

The somber memorial was a sharp contrast to the chaos of a year ago, when the massive ship ran aground with 3,200 passengers and 1,000 crew members on board.

According to passengers' accounts, pandemonium erupted as guests rushed to fill the lifeboats and escape the ship. Some crew members helped passengers and then jumped overboard; remaining members seemed helpless to handle the melee."

"And unfortunately I was relying, in the last three minutes, on an officer, when all of a sudden he was handing me the control of the ship without giving me distance — nothing," Schettino said.

That, he said, was when he noticed foam on the water — a sign of shallow water or something jutting from the surface.

"I regret that I was trusting (that officer).  I was trusting him before the accident, and also after the accident.  And I have been living with these things inside me.  I will never trust anyone anymore because this was a very deadly mistake," he said.

Schettino claimed he had no way to tell how many people were still on board when he left the vessel.

"People don't understand that the ship is 58 meters (nearly 200 feet) wide, so you don't have a chance to see who else is left on the other side.  And in the moment the floor started to become steeper, you have no other option: To die, or to swim," he said. "So, I regret nothing."

"Francesco Schettino, who is accused by prosecutors of causing the shipwreck with reckless seamanship and then abandoning the ship before all the 4229 passengers and crew had evacuated, defended himself in the interview shown on Raiuno public television.

"If we had not turned, we would not have hit anything," Schettino said, repeating a previous accusation made against the ship's Indonesian helmsman Jacob Rusli Bin, who he said had misunderstood his steering orders given in English.

"If the helmsman had understood correctly, the ship would have sailed past and nothing would have happened," Schettino said in the interview."

"The infamous captain - who has been dubbed "Captain Coward" by the tabloids - also remembered the moment he realized his ship was about to crash.

"When I went to the large window on the deck, I saw the mountain in front of me. We were going directly into the mountain!" he said.

"The person in charge of the radar was supposed to say that we had land in front of us. I was told that we were fine," he said.

"I took the blame because I followed the indications I was given."

"(ANSAmed) - Grosseto, January 8 - Authorities are preparing to mark the first anniversary of the cruise ship disaster that killed 32 people on January 13, 2012.

It's expected that as many as 900 people will gather on the pier of Giglio Island off the Tuscan coast to commemorate the deadly events after the Costa Concordia hit a rock that caused the massive ship to capsize.

Mayor Sergio Ortelli says the focus of the service on January 13 will be the survivors and families of those who died in the disaster, as well as emergency workers who rushed to pluck victims from the water.

Pieces of the rock upon which the Costa Concordia crashed have also been saved."

"Italy's environment minister warned last month that delays in removing the beached cruise liner could lead to further environmental damage.

Another outstanding element of the story is the legal proceedings involving Francesco Schettino, the captain at the helm of the ship.

He is facing possible criminal indictment for multiple charges of manslaughter.

Schettino is also claiming he was wrongly dismissed by Italy's Costa Crociere cruise line over the deadly accident.

A wrongful dismissal hearing continues on Wednesday, as Schettino's lawyer argues the dismissal process used by the company was not legitimate."

Mr Schettino, for whom prosecutors are likely to demand criminal indictments within weeks, made the comments to La Stampa in the run-up to the anniversary of the tragedy on 13 January.

“I’ve been painted as worse than Bin Laden, while my regret for what happened is enormous,” he said. He also complained that his professional achievements and the image of Italy had been “ridiculed” by the coverage of the disaster.

This coming Sunday on the island of Giglio off the Tuscan coast, where the vessel struck rocks before partially capsizing, a special mass will be held at the island’s port to mark the anniversary of the accident. A bronze commemorative plaque will then be placed in the harbour in memory of the 32 victims.

Mr Schettino was in charge of the 290-metre vessel, carrying over 4,000 passengers and crew, when in a deviation from its standard route, it passed close to the shore of Giglio to perform a crowd-pleasing sail-by manoeuvre. A collision with rocks tore a 50-metre hole in the vessel’s side. Senior lifeguard officials have said that the delayed call to evacuate the doomed vessel was to blame for most of the fatalities.

Prosecutors will ask a judge to indict Mr Schettino by the first week in February on charges including abandoning ship before his passengers and of manslaughter. Five other crew members and three senior Costa Cruises officials may also be sent to trial.

It has emerged that the vessel will not now be removed from its resting place outside Giglio port before the autumn. The legion of engineers working to return the vessel to an upright position and attach buoyancy devices had hoped to be able to tow it to the mainland to be dismantled before the start of this year’s summer season.

Meanwhile, the wreck’s appeal to sightseers was underlined after five German tourists had to be rescued after getting up close to the Concordia, only for their tiny boat to be inundated by large waves.

“It was a pretty stupid thing to do. They were lucky that it ended as it did – they could have quite easily sunk,” according to a coastguard spokesman.

"The U.S. Coast Guard will be part of Italian-led investigation into the grounding and partial sinking of the Italian-owned cruise ship Costa Concordia in January.

Coast Guard said on Nov. 19, that it would participate with the National Transportation Safety Board in the Italian marine casualty investigation into the tragic maritime episode off the coast of Italy in early 2012."

"Appearing to duck responsibility, Schettino says that he was not in command when the ship struck the reef but the ship was in the hands of an officer.   But after evidence has surfaced showing the captain was in command at least 6 minutes before the ship struck the reef, the captain explains that he was on the phone and was distracted.

So is this book deal all about the money for Schettino?  We were wondering the same thing and found that the group that is leading a class action suit against the owners of the Concordia is vowing to make sure all of the money that Schettino earns off the book goes to the survivors of the wreck and to the families who have lost loved ones.   But to be sure, Schettino will make a pretty penny off the sales of this book as well."

The update from CATCo says that industry loss estimates for the overall cost of the sinking of the Costa Concordia look set to rise after the international group of P&I Associations’ actual and expected insured loss estimate for Protection and Indemnity (Wreck Removal and Cargo/Crew/Passenger Liability) increased by approximately $130m, from circa $521m to $652m.  The final settlement for the Hull & Machinery claim amounted to circa $520 million. This makes the overall loss total for Costa Concordia around $1.172 billion.

The Parbuckling Project

Concordia wreck removal project informative website

"Mr. Feher's only pre-cruise training was as a violinist. He and others pressed into service were not properly prepared to help manage a disaster, though they acted bravely," said Holly Ostrov Ronai.

She said cruise line officials violated maritime policies by giving Mr. Feher and other personnel the answers to required safety-test questions before it was administered. The Budapest-based performer, whose only source of income was as a cruise-ship entertainer, was last seen helping children don life jackets before he drowned.

The civil actions brought on behalf of Mr. Feher and the other members of his performing company assert gross negligence on the part of Carnival Cruise Lines, the owner-operator of the vessel, along with Carnival Corp., its parent company in connection with the January 13, 2012 disaster. A demand for punitive damages is also included in the complaint.

Contacts: Holly Ostrov Ronai, Peter Ronai Ronai & Ronai, LLP 800-664-7111 /  "

"Schettino explains in the interview that he was more or less “forced into the lifeboat” and that he does not know if he slipped or fell.   :D

Appearing to duck responsibility, Schettino says that he was not in command when the ship struck the reef but the ship was in the hands of an officer.   But after evidence has surfaced showing the captain was in command at least 6 minutes before the ship struck the reef, the captain explains that he was on the phone and was distracted.

So is this book deal all about the money for Schettino?  We were wondering the same thing and found that the group that is leading a class action suit against the owners of the Concordia is vowing to make sure all of the money that Schettino earns off the book goes to the survivors of the wreck and to the families who have lost loved ones.   But to be sure, Schettino will make a pretty penny off the sales of this book as well."

"I'm writing a book and I will reveal what people don't want to come to light," Schettino said, according to The Telegraph." "For example, Schettino claims he only left the ship when he began to fear for his life.

"I found myself standing on a deck which was tilted at a 90 degree angle. We could no longer walk, we had no grip, and people less agile than me ended up falling overboard. But notwithstanding the water that was flooding into the bridge, I still continued to help passengers get on board the lifeboats that were shuttling to and from the shore."

"At that point I could have chosen to die by being crushed by the ship 20 metres from the shore," Schettino continued, "or take command of the lifeboat and attempt to get dozens of people to safety. I chose the second option. There are dozens of witnesses who will confirm this."   ???

Schettino's interview comes after reports the former captain was in negotiations for two €50,000 interviews (about $63,600), as well as unconfirmed rumors that he had brokered a book deal with a U.S. publisher, The Independent writes.

Carlo Rienzi, the president of the Codacons consumer group that is leading a class action against the owners of the Concordia, told the newspaper that any money Schettino does earn will be fair game in the suit.

"Every euro Mr Schettino earns, we'll try take off him and give it to the survivors and families of those who've lost loved ones," Rienzi said."

"The plan is for the Costa Concordia to float again in the spring [or summer 2013], albeit only for a brief final voyage -- and a great deal can happen in the meantime."

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