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Messages - Host Mike

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"A prominent salvage expert has criticised the speed with which companies have been asked to submit bids to remove the wreck of the Costa Concordia.

Costa Cruises has invited 10 salvage companies to tender for the work by early next month, aiming to select the successful bidder by the end March.

But such a tight timetable “is absolutely ridiculous”, according to former International Salvage Union president... "

"In the dim emergency lighting on the bridge, the red and blue lights on monitoring screens are barely visible but it is possible to make out the captain, Francesco Schettino, and a dozen or so colleagues.

They are scanning the screens, telephoning and talking among themselves, initially fairly calmly but with growing tension as alarming news came from the engine room.

"The engines are not responding and going to hell," can be heard on the tape. "There is a big gaping hole and the water is coming in," someone else says.

"Wait until we get into shallower waters near the bank, at how many metres are we?"

Later someone can be heard announcing: "Captain, the passengers are starting to get into the lifeboats by themselves."

Schettino is heard to reply in Neapolitan dialect: "E vabbuo [OK, that's all right]."

"The lawsuit in a state court in Florida, where the cruise operators are based, now includes 39 plaintiffs, each of whom is seeking individual damages for unique losses and injuries, their attorney Mark Bern said in a statement.

"The plaintiffs will seek punitive damages as a result of the nature of the conduct of the Costa Concordia's officers and staff, which demonstrated a reckless disregard for human life and property," the statement said on Monday.

"These passengers were left terrified and unguided in a desperate situation while the captain was already safely in a lifeboat with his clothes dry and his luggage in hand," Bern said.

"Once the surviving passengers reached land, their ordeal was far from over, because Carnival failed to offer them the barest courtesies and assistance, leaving them in a country where most were aliens, with only the clothes on their back, no money and no passports."

"GIGLIO, Italy -- Tossing bouquets of red roses into the sea, the relatives of people still missing one month after the Costa Concordia cruise ship disaster mourned in a private tribute Monday.

The family members boarded a small boat that took them 50 meters (yards) from the stricken cruise ship, which struck a reef Jan. 13 off the Tuscan coast when its captain made an unauthorized maneuver. Seventeen people died while trying to flee and 15 remain missing and are presumed dead.

The search for the missing was called off after authorities determined it was too risky for the rescue divers.

Among family members at the scene of the tragedy was Susy Albertini, the mother of 5-year-old Dayana Arlotti, who was traveling with her father William, who is also missing. Kevin Rebello, the brother of a missing waiter from India, also attended, as did the families of missing French and German passengers.

The relatives hugged each other as the roses floated on the Mediterranean. Rebello said Monday's anniversary was the hardest day yet since the shipwreck.

"I haven't lost hope yet, anything can still happen, a miracle. He may be injured, he may have lost consciousness, anything may have happened. I still have hope, I always have hope, hope is the last thing to die," Rebello said. "I hope I will find him as soon as possible, to bring him home."

"An American company is likely to salvage the capsized cruise ship Costa Concordia, which ran aground off the Italian island of Giglio in late January.

The Costa Concordia’s insurance company has invited Bisso Marine, a fifth-generation family business in New Orleans and Houston that has salvaged some of the world’s biggest shipwrecks since 1980, to the ship’s wreckage.

“This barge averages 300 days a year doing salvage work. With enough time and money you can do any job,” CBS News quoted Bisso Marine’s head Beau Bisso, as saying."

"Italian officials say rough seas have increased movements of the crippled Costa Concordia and are thwarting the start of fuel removal a month after the cruise ship capsized off a Tuscan island.

The national office overseeing search and anti-pollution operations said Friday that instruments registered increased and faster movements of the ship, which is resting on its side just outside Giglio island's port. But they said the movements have since slowed down. If the ship keeps shifting, it could drop down onto deeper seabed, complicating plans to remove fuel."

"The 10 minutes of film, screened on Italian TV news channels, shows for the first time the reaction of the ship's captain and crew as they dealt with the situation after several water-tight compartments on the 114,500-ton ship were breached.

In the footage, a man identified as Mr Schettino can be seen speaking on the telephone in the half light of the bridge, illuminated only by emergency lights after the power failed on the liner with more than 4,000 passengers and crew on board.

At one point in the film, almost 45 minutes after the ship had hit the rocks, an officer is heard shouting: "Captain, the passengers are starting to get into the lifeboats on their own."

Mr Schettino appears to reply: "Whatever... whatever... OK."

"In my opinion, the captain is the only one responsible for this disaster," said Carlos Garrone, an engineer who lives in Valencia, Spain. "The decision-making responsibility lies with the captain. It's all up to him."

Schettino himself insisted that he had tried unsuccessfully to return to the ship after falling on to the roof of a lifeboat, but he admitted that he had been devastated by the disaster.

"Everyone had life vests on, but for me...well my life at that moment had been destroyed, I wasn't interested in life vests ... it was over for me," he said."

"Rough weather has forced crews in Italy to stop pumping oil from the grounded Costa Concordia cruise ship. (Feb. 10)"

"But as he came to within a quarter of a nautical mile of the coast, in water he believed to be deep enough to be safe, he saw foam breaking on what appeared to be a submerged outcrop and turned sharply, exposing the side of the hull to the sharp rock.

"I may have done something rash, I did do something rash, but God would have made it alright for me if I hadn't set the rudder to starboard," he told magistrates investigating the accident, according to a transcript.",0,5394651.story

Editor: I looks to me that if El Capitano hadn't set the rudder to starboard the ship would have plowed straight into the larger rocks dead ahead.

"Italian divers risked life and limb to rescue a teddy bear that a child had left behind on the Costa Concordia during the chaotic evacuation of the cruise ship last month.

The child's father told rescuers that the little boy had been unable to sleep since the disaster and desperately missed his toy.

He wrote to islanders who had given shelter to him and his son after they were brought ashore when the 950ft long vessel ran aground on the Italian island of Giglio on the night of Jan 13.

Islanders passed the letter to the island's mayor, Sergio Ortelli, who in turn gave it to rescue divers, who entered the hull on a special mission, finding the cabin where the boy had been staying and retrieving the soft toy – bedraggled but intact.

They found the bear hidden in a tangle of debris – overturned tables, chairs, mattresses and scattered luggage."

"Eaves said he thought too much attention is focusing on the role of the captain, who has denied abandoning the ship. The lawyer said some crew members apparently failed to promptly inform passengers of the serious nature of the accident, and another issue is why the Concordia was sailing too close to the island's rocky coast.

"The captain is not the only one responsible," Eaves said, but the "entire cruise industry." In other words, the lawyer said, "We know the captain messed up, but the question is, why did he mess up?"

"More than a dozen of ancient ships, ranging from the‭ ‬oldest deep-water wreck in history to late Roman imperial vessels, rest in Giglio's treacherous waters."

"While Nat Geo's "Italian Cruise Ship Disaster: The Untold Stories" premiers in the U.S. Feb. 12, touted as the first U.S. docu detailing the luxury liner disaster, Nat Geo's Italian outpost is producing another one-hour TV special with a more international focus, destined to air on most of its global 165 subscription channels outside the U.S. by March.

Italo production company Doclabs, which is producing the as-yet-untitled special, was on the scene a few hours after the ship carrying more than 4,200 passengers ran aground, killing 17 and injuring more then 60, with 15 others still not accounted for. But Nat Geo has also been using its global reach to run messages on its international channels urging survivors to upload footage and get in touch.

The onslaught of announced TV specials about the Titanic-like tragedy in Italy also includes Discovery Channel in the U.S., whose docu will be out this spring, and Channel 4 in the U.K., whose "Terror at Sea: The Sinking of the Concordia" aired Jan. 31.",0,1869288.story

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